Transitioning authentication methods

To make using the TinEye API even easier, we've introduced a simpler authentication method for making your API requests. 

To authenticate TinEye API requests, please include your API key in the custom header x-api-key when making any requests. Your API key is available on your Getting started page and was formerly called your private key. The new authentication method is currently live and you can begin using it immediately.

When the TinEye API was first introduced, encrypted HTTP traffic was not yet ubiquitous. To prevent attackers intercepting your TinEye API traffic and using it to make their own search requests using your account, we required a signature to be added to each request. Calculating this signature was complicated, and as a result we recommended using one of our officially-supported TinEye API libraries. This method of signing TinEye API requests will continue to work until March 1, 2022, at which point it will be deprecated.

If you're using one of our libraries, you may continue to do so. Please upgrade to the latest version before March 1, 2022. The new library version will be a breaking change that requires minor updates to your code. You can find information about the steps needed to upgrade on each library's page: