Filtering results

TinEye API results can be filtered in two ways:

Restricting results to "stock" or "collection" sites

The TinEye API indicates results found in curated collections such as Wikipedia, Flickr and NASA (which we call collection sites) and results found on sites where you can license images (which we call stock sites).

If you are searching manually from either the search page or the browser extension, you can filter by clicking on the Show only the results found in collections or Show only the results found in stock at the top of your results list.

Note that these options will only appear if collection or stock results exist for your search image.

If you are accessing the site programmatically you can restrict your results to only collection sites or only stock sites by including the argument tags=collection or tags=stock in your request. To restrict results to either stock or collection sites, include the argument tags=collection,stock.

Restricting results to a single domain

You can filter your results to a single domain using the Filter by domain/collection field at the top of your results.

If you are accessing the site programmatically you can restrict your results to a single domain using the domain parameter. So, if you are only interested in results from you would add the query parameter Currently, the TinEye API can only do exact domain matches; wildcards and partial matches are not supported.

You can find a complete technical description of the search options in the API documentation.